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Decoding Workplace Satisfaction

Decoding Workplace Satisfaction

Last Updated: 31-03-2023

Written by :

Ms.Zahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Do you know how important workplace satisfaction is for employee retention and talent recruiting efforts? In any case, do we truly realize how connected with our employees we are? What's more, if the commitment is low, do we realize how to use organizational culture to get employees working at top productivity and boost staff s activity satisfaction?

Workplace satisfaction is a wide term utilized by corporates to portray how fulfilled or content employees are with their jobs, employee experience, and the associations they are working for. Workplace satisfaction is one key metric that can help decide the general strength of an association, which is the reason numerous associations utilize standard overviews to quantify employee satisfaction and track satisfaction drifts after a certain period. A high satisfaction level demonstrates that employees are content with how their manager treats them.

Workplace satisfaction and how it is interchangeably used with employee engagement; however, while engagement is an essential factor influencing overall satisfaction and it may be said the reverse is also somewhat true but the two are not the same. While Satisfaction is important for retention, it is not necessarily a predictor of performance, whereas engagement—which indicates an employee's passion for their work, among other things—is directly tied to output. Ideally, satisfaction occurs as a result of both material factors like compensation and benefits as well as less-tangible elements like engagement, recognition, and strong leadership. If an organization fails to address both components, they may find themselves having a complacent team made up of materially satisfied employees who are content to do only what s required to remain employed or staff of highly engaged employees who are performing well while they look for new opportunities at to fill their material needs.

Here are some aspects of how workers and job seekers view their current workplaces, and what you can do to boost employee morale and attract top talent to your company.
It takes more than just decent pay and benefits to keep the workforce motivated and happy.
The list below shows some of the main aspects of work satisfaction reported by workers:

  • Appreciation–workers rank fair treatment of other employees as the most important factor in job satisfaction.

  • Trust–Possibly due to instability in the workforce in the years following the Great Recession, workers suggested that trust in themselves and senior management was another highly significant factor in satisfaction.

  • Security–If you've ever had to go to work every day wondering whether your job is safe, you know it can cause a lot of anxiety.

  • Healthy Environment – Workplaces that are free from stress, morale issues, harassment, and discriminatory practices can create a positive and healthy environment for everyone.

  • Career Path – No one wants a dead-end job. Employees are more likely to excel when they can see an established upward path, with the opportunity to earn a higher wage and take on greater responsibilities.

  • Pay and Benefits – Good wages aren't the only reason employees find satisfaction in their jobs, but they typically rank high on the list. Competitive pay generally makes employees feel valued and gives them less reason to look elsewhere for work.

However, satisfaction depends on the gap between what an employee expects from a job and what they get.

Get in touch with HopeQure and get online counselling to get tips for decoding workplace satisfaction. 


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