Suicidal ideation can happen for no apparent cause, although it frequently indicates or results from a mental health issue or after a difficult life event, such as a failed or failing relationship, loss, a serious disease, rejection, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or unemployment.

One's family or personal history may also enhance the likelihood of suicidal thoughts or actions. For instance, a personal history of prior suicide attempts or a familial history of parasuicide (self-harm, attempts, or gestures with no desire to die) may raise one's risk for suicidal ideation. Several psychotropic drugs have the potential to have adverse effects, including suicidal ideation and conduct.

Among the psychological conditions that could trigger suicidal thoughts are, but are not restricted to:

  • Difficulties with food and eating behaviors
  • Bipolar
  • Bodily image problems
  • Dissociation
  • Depression
  • Panic Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Social phobia


As many people who self-harm keep it a secret, it can be challenging to determine whether someone is doing it. Especially if you believe they are disturbed or in jeopardy, trust your intuition. Some indications could be:

  • Fresh stains on the body (such as bruises, cuts or burns)
  • Changes in mood, sleep, and eating patterns withdrawal from friends, family, school, and job a decline in performance at work, school, or activities
  • Avoidance is the practice of staying away from things they once enjoyed or times where their wounds would be visible (such as the beach or pool)
  • Wearing inappropriate clothing to conceal injuries
  • Creating explanations for accidents or secretive behavior, such as hiding sharp or hazardous objects.


Self-harmers require support, empathy, and care in order to heal. The negative judgment of others may prevent them from receiving the necessary help. A study stated that up to half of self-harmers are believed to never seek assistance.

It's crucial to try to talk to someone you know about it and urge them to get assistance such as Self Harm & Suicidal Behavior Counselling if you suspect they may be self- harming. You shouldn't try to stop them because doing so can make things worse. If done in a supportive manner, discussing one's behavior with someone who self-harms can be both safe and very beneficial.


It's crucial for you to get support from a mental health professional if your kid, friend, or other family member is self-harming or you suspect that they might be. Tell someone you can trust what is happening and how you are feeling. Even while it may be painful to witness a loved one struggling, keep in mind that not all people who self-harm are suicidal and that self-harming behavior can be treated.


There are numerous causes for self-harm. The motivation might change, even within one person. Some people engage in it as a means of expressing their distress, regaining control, or getting away from uncomfortable situations. Others who are emotionless and numb may discover that it causes them to 'feel' something. Self-harm is a kind of relief for some people.

Whatever the motivation, self-harm is typically a sign of extreme emotional suffering and distress.

Numerous stressful events (stressors) occur simultaneously for young people. They are juggling demands that they didn't have when they were younger in addition to dealing with changes in their bodies (like study, work, relationships, being more independent and having more responsibility).


You could require outpatient care if you are having suicide thoughts but are not in immediate danger. This remedy might consist of:

Psychotherapy- You address the problems that make you feel suicidal in psychotherapy, also known as psychological counseling or talk therapy, and you learn techniques to better manage your emotions. Together, you and your therapist can create a treatment plan and set goals.

Medications- You may feel less suicidal if you use antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, anti-anxiety meds, and other treatments for mental illness.

Treatment for addiction- Detoxification, addiction treatment programs, and self-help group sessions can all be used as part of the treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.

Help from family and education- Both controversy and support might come from your loved ones. Participating in treatment with them can enhance family bonds, provide them greater coping mechanisms, and aid in their understanding of what you're going through.

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