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Leadership skills you need in every role

Leadership skills you need in every role

Last Updated: 02-03-2023

Written by :

Ms.Zahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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The question is what really makes a good leader — in other words, what kind of leadership skills — is widely discussed? Clearly, the ability to inspire effectively relies on a number of key skills, but also on the fact that different leaders have very distinct characteristics and styles.

In fact, there’s no right way to lead in all circumstances, so one of the main characteristics of good leaders is their flexibility and ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

We believe the “Fundamental 4” core leadership skills that every leader needs, regardless of role, are:

Self –Awareness

Self –Awareness simply means knowing your strengths and weaknesses, but gaining self-awareness is anything but easy. Self-awareness is one of the main leadership skills for continuing and long-leadership effectiveness.


Is one of the most important, thorough leadership skills that all of us need to build and improve in our careers. "Communicating knowledge and ideas" is consistently regarded as one of the most critical skills for effective leaders. Communication is also rooted in a range of other leadership qualities and competencies, including leading people, participatory management and making and mending relationships.


Developing your impact and leadership skills helps you articulate your vision or priorities, coordinate other#39s efforts, and develop people's engagement at all levels. In the end, power helps you to do stuff and obtain beneficial outcomes.

Learning Strength

You need the ability to be regularly in the learning mode, to respect and understand the lessons of experience. We need to be active learners to grow as leaders and citizens. It includes identifying when new habits, leadership skills, or attitudes are needed and taking responsibility for improving them. Strength learning includes learning from errors, asking thoughtful questions, and being open to feedback. It involves quickly developing new skills, taking advantage of opportunities to improve and adapting well to new circumstances.
Leadership qualities and skills can be improved through continuous practice and purposefully working towards building your expertise in a particular area, subject or profession.
The benefits of leadership skills include career development, becoming more successful, producing more outcomes for others, helping others to achieve their goals, and creating more confidence and personal satisfaction.

You can quickly skim ways to improve leadership

Start Small

You do not have to wait until you are in a managerial or executive role to start improving your leadership skills. You will sharpen your leadership skills at your current role or level. A variety of ways to obtain leadership experience include volunteering for leadership positions in a team or community project, organizing and coordinating social office activities, attending meetings and volunteering for leadership roles in local or neighbourhood groups, committees or events.

Analyze Your Strengths and Weaknesses

perform an internal and external self-assessment to increase self-awareness. A few questions to ask yourself include: What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? What are your main talents here? What are your priorities here? What do you do well in? What kind of expertise do you lack? Why are you treating setbacks?
Think of the kind of leader you are now and the kind of leader you hope to be. How big is the difference between your present level of leadership and your potential for leadership?
Many of the qualities that can help develop leadership skills include self-driving, ambition, attitude, vision, and practice.

Seek a mentor

A successful leadership mentor will help you develop your job leadership skills at a faster speed. Ideally, a mentor should have to be an accomplished person. You may have various mentors at different points of your career as well. In the same way, you could have more than one mentor at a time to help you with various areas of expertise. For example, you may have one mentor who teaches you to develop your public speaking skills, while another mentor guides you in managing conflict management at work. A successful mentor should be available, open, willing to listen and advise, willing to share information, and provide advice and feedback.

Be a Good Follower

Graduate into being a leader by practising the art of being a follower. An initial step on the path towards becoming a great leader is to be a good follower. Most people have a leader in one capacity or another that they look up to or report to. The leader could be a parent, teacher, supervisor, co-worker etc.
Well, as a leader, communication skills will serve you well, particularly in sharing your vision with others.

Practice Communicating Well

Lack of coordination and poor communication are obstacles to successful leadership. Good communication is important for the exchange of information from one person to another. The benefits of effective communication include improving working relationships, increasing efficiency and teamwork, prioritizing well, increasing employee satisfaction and saving time and money.

On the other hand, the consequences of poor communication are a lack of understanding as to which path to take, uncertainty where people are unaware of what they are supposed to do, low morale, tension at work, tension and lack of knowledge.

Certain negative consequences include decreased efficiency, lack of confidence, poor customer service, increased dissatisfaction, absenteeism, decreased engagement and turnover of employees. Simple ways to practice strong communication skills include exchanging knowledge, giving clear guidance, clarifying, following up, and being available to answer questions, giving frequent updates and feedback.

Wish you may flourish, prosper and succeed as you build your leadership skills. Get in touch with HopeQure to consult an online psychologist

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