Employee stress is on the rise in the present-day work setting. Therefore, it is essential that employees have a source they can go to for support. Employees deal with a variety of problems on a daily basis. These problems include work-life balance, job insecurities, managing workload, conflicts with colleagues and managers, health issues, and other personal problems.
In order to help employees who struggle with similar issues, employee assistance programs are implemented by organizations.
What is an EAP- Employee Assistance Program?
The employee assistance program is a wellness program that is created to enhance employeesss’ productivity, performance, and contentment with their job roles by helping them effectively resolve the issues faced by them (EAPA, 2020). This is a consulting and counseling program with employees where they can openly express their problems. Subsequently, they are offered the appropriate solution or treatment plan.
Employee assistance programs offer the following assistance:
Productivity boosting
Stress management
Conflict management
Workload management
Maintaining work-life balance
Achieving job satisfaction
Overcoming job insecurities
Improve communication and motivation and many more
As of 2016, more than 54% of workers in the US have access to some employee assistance program from their organization (National Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). In 2018, 78% of companies were offering employee assistance programs to employees (SHRM, 2018).
There will be a feeling of gratitude among employees towards the employer, by feeling that their organization is concerned about the employees health and has their support in times of need. There are many benefits of employee assistance programs.
Here are some central benefits of the Employee Assistance Program
Productivity Gain
If an employee is undergoing a personal issue or struggling physically or mentally, it will reduce their concentration, motivation, and creativity at work. This may force them to take leaves in order to cope and these leaves impact work quality and time.
Society for Human resource management SHRM, reports that more than 36% of their productivity loss is because of leaves taken by employees. The EAP helps employees in overcoming such challenges and difficulties, increase job motivation and satisfaction, and thus increasing their productivity at work.
Improve Mental Wellbeing At The Workplace
When struggling mentally, job performance decreases and workload increases, it not only affects just one employee but all team members. Suffering from heightened amounts of stress makes one engage in more conflicts at work, reduces communication with colleagues and decreases morale.
The employee assistance program gives employees a platform to share their issues and seek help, and guidance for their treatment. This benefits everyone at the workplace, by increasing respect, strong communication, and better performance at their job. An organization s spirits increase substantially as well.
Employee assistance programs aid employees to build resilience, balance their stress levels and enhance self-awareness. This helps employees to manage various stressors and workplace tensions effectively.
Reduce Presenteeism and Absenteeism
The prime focus of companies is the well-being of their employee. The number of sick leaves increases during tight deadlines and schedules. The employee assistance program helps to reduce these leaves by increasing better health outcomes among employees. The service provided by EAP treats stress-induced illnesses.The other problem is presenteeism- being at work for longer hours but not finishing the minimum tasks due to distractions from various problems. To reduce the problem of absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace, organizations can implement employee assistance program.
Reduced Attrition Rate
In the corporate world, a significant risk posed to companies is attrition. High attrition costs organizations a substantial amount of money and this further influences their revenue and their market value in long term.
One way companies can reduce the attrition is by actually helping to resolve the problems faced by their employees. Employee assistance programs help organizations identify the general issues the employees are undergoing as well as providing solutions to their problems. This is a win-win for both workers and the company. Eventually, there will be a reduction in attrition as the workers feel valued in the company.
Saving For Organizations
Mental and physical health insurance costs a staggering amount to companies per year. If physical and mental health is not taken care of at workplaces, it can cost the organization a great deal. A study reported that every $1 invested in employee wellness programs saves $3.27 and $2.73 in healthcare and absenteeism respectively (Baicker et al. 2010).
An investment in employee assistance programs leads to a reduction in healthcare costs, fewer amounts of disability claims, reduced presenteeism and absenteeism, and a big saving on health insurance usage.
Many companies invest highly in EAPs. An employee assistance program is highly beneficial for employees as it helps them to increase various positive aspects of work-life and reduce ill-health and habits that affect job performance. It is advantageous for companies as it helps them reduce healthcare costs and increase productivity in the organization.
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Get help for anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues
Employee Assistance Professionals Association. (2020). Definitions of an employee assistance program (EAP) and EAP core technology. Retrieved from https://www.eapassn.org/About/About-Employee-Assistance/EAP-Definitions-and-Core-Technology.
Baicker K, Cutler D, Song Z (2010) Workplace wellness programs can generate savings. Health Affairs 29(2):304–311.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). Employer-provided quality-of-life benefits, March, 2016. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2016/employer-provided-quality-of-life-benefits-march-2016.htm.
Total Financial Impact of Employee Absences in the U.S. Society for Human Resource Management.
2018 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. Society for Human Resource Management.