Sleep Apnea Treatment

Significant life stress, Illness, emotional discomfort, environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperature, medication may interfere with sleep. Disturbed sleep schedules may happen on occasions such as jet lag. Sleep disorders include insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome. Disturbed sleep can result in adverse health consequences, including fatigue low mood. You can seek counselling for sleep problems, like cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia and therapy for sleep disorders and apnea.

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Know More About Sleep Disorders

What is Stress Therapy?

  • On average, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep everyday.
  • Humans are only mammals that willingly delay sleep.
  • Finding it hard to get out of bed is called Dysania.
  • Pain tolerance is reduced due sleep deprivation.
  • Unnatural movement during sleep are known as Parasomnia
  • Hypnic Jerks is a feeling of falling when half sleep and jerking awake.

What Causes Stress?

  • Physiological causes like Chronic physical pain, high blood pressure
  • Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, Parkinson's disease
  • Medical conditions for instance asthma, sinus, diabetes mellitus
  • Lifestyle choices and dietary habits

Symptoms Of Stress?

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Waking up tired
  • Nightmares
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Sleep walking
  • Persistent headache
  • Reduced concentration


  • Medication- to induce sleep and provide physical rest to the body
  • Relaxation techniques- to reduce stress, be calm and mindful
  • Individual Counselling- to talk out and release all sorts of worries fear and tension disrupting sleep.
  • Sleep hygiene- Following certain practices to ensure proper sound sleep

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What is Therapy for Sleep Problems?

A type of therapy called sleep therapy is intended to help you sleep better. Insomnia and other sleep problems may benefit from it. It might also be beneficial for other physical and mental health issues.

What are the types of Therapy for Sleep Disorders?

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is the most widely used and researched kind of treatment for insomnia (CBTi). The most effective evidence-based treatment for sleep issues is CBTi.

CBTi is a type of sleep therapy that can assist you in identifying and changing problematic sleep-related thoughts and behaviors with more beneficial ones. The goal of CBTi is to reduce ineffective behaviors while incorporating effective sleep habits and activities.

What are the techniques used in Online Sleep Disorders Counselling?

Different methods may be employed by a CBTi-trained therapist to help you sleep better. Because many mental health issues can have an impact on sleep, your therapist may carry out a thorough examination to ascertain why your sleep is being disrupted and employ a variety of strategies for treatment of sleep disorders.

  • Sleep environment Optimization
  • Sleep Hygiene
  • Paradoxical Intention
  • Stimulus Control

What can Therapy for Sleep Disorders help with?

In the overall care of a number of sleep disorders, sleep therapy may be beneficial, including:

Sleep problems such narcolepsy, Sleep disorders, sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome.

mental illnesses include PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, substance misuse, and depression.

Physical health conditions, since obtaining insufficient sleep increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

What are the benefits of Therapy for Sleep Disorders?

  • Promotes healthy sleeping
  • Handles mental health issues
  • Reduces medications
  • Increased awareness and understanding of your body
  • Works on unhealthy-negative thinking.

What should I consider before starting Counselling for Sleep Problems?

Consistent practice and application are necessary for CBTi. Short-term sleep loss may be a side effect of some CBTi techniques, such as paradoxical intention and sensory control. However, if you are consistent and dedicated to your job, you will probably see long-lasting results.

Best Psychologists For Counselling for Sleep Disorders

Consult with the best online psychologist and online counsellor. Select from the best online therapists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and mental health professionals for online counselling . Seek relationship counselling, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and online therapy for anxiety and depression. Consult the best online psychologist now.

Frequently Asked Questions

A disease called sleep apnea makes it so that you stop breathing during the night. You stop breathing during sleep, which causes sleep apnea. Your airway becomes blocked (obstructive apnea), or your brain fails to properly regulate your breathing, causing this to occur (central apnea).

Complex interaction of biological and environmental factors can lead to the development of sleep disorders.

Excessive daytime sleepiness, uneven breathing, or increased activity during sleeping are a few signs and symptoms of sleep problems.

It is very common for adults to suffer from sleep issues that can last for a short period of time or long-term due to lifestyle changes and stress. However, some persons experience persistent long-term insomnia that lasts for a month or longer. The main issue can be insomnia, or it might be brought on by other illnesses or drugs.

It may be difficult for you to get asleep, to stay asleep, or to wake up too early and have trouble falling back asleep if you have insomnia, a common sleep problem. One’s quality of life, health, and work performance can all suffer from insomnia in addition to one's energy level and mood.

Sleep disorders can be diagnosed by doctor and a mental health professional. It involves taking detailed history of symptoms, any underlying physical and mental illness, family history, assessments following which on the basis of results a diagnosis of sleep disorder is being given.

A healthcare provider might ask you about the quality of your sleep, how many hours you sleep at night, how much time it takes, how many hours do you sleep at night, how long does it take you to fall asleep, do you wake up in the middle of the night, how sleepy do you feel during the day?

Yes, therapist teaches sleep hygiene to the client and also effective copying skills to deal with stress which increases the quality of sleep

Cognitive behaviour therapy is very effective in treating sleeping disorders.

Therapist attempts to alter your pre-bedtime routine and the thoughts that prevent you from sleeping, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can enhance your sleep. Also, it emphasizes on relaxation techniques and altering lifestyle choices that interfere with sleep.

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