Online Therapy for Anger Management

Anger is a powerful human emotion, and it is natural to feel it like any other emotion. Anger is one of the most common human emotions and is as basic as happiness, disappointment, fear or disgust. At some point in life, we all feel frustrated. However, when the extent or severity of anger interferes with relationships, work performance, mental well-being, it becomes problematic. At that moment, we must move towards anger management therapy.

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Know More About Anger Issues

Facts about Anger

  • Uncontrolled anger and angry outbursts are linked to stroke and heart attack.
  • Anger comes from an unblown sense of self-importance.
  • Anger is an appropriate response to immediate physical danger and pain.
  • Anger is about ending or stopping hurt or pain now.
  • Anger is about pain that can be actual, imaginary, or potential. The hurt can also be vicarious, that is, about others rather than self.

Causes of Anger

  • Anger is a complex process that involves multiple factors such as stress, financial problems, abuse, and poor social or family situations.
  • When you actively avoid conflict and walk away without resolving an issue.
  • Individual differences in the interpretation of incoming information.
  • When you try to do something, you are blocked, or disappointed.

Symptoms of Anger

  • Increased heart rate
  • Feeling hot (hyper)
  • Sweating
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Stomach-churning
  • Clenching jaws or grinding teeth
  • Tense muscles
  • Shaking or trembling

Therapy used in anger management counselling

  • Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Counselling
  • Relaxation techniques

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What is Anger Management?

Anger management is an approach. It helps people recognize factors that cause stress. People learn how to keep calm in anger management therapy. They can then manage tense situations in a positive manner.

The goal of anger management is to help an individual reduce anger. It helps reduce the physical and emotional stress that anger can trigger. It is usually impossible to stay away from all people and situations that can trigger anger. However, a person can be taught to manage their responses and behave appropriately in social situations. The support of an anger management therapist could help during this process.


A variety of events can make people furious. They could be:

  • Internal events, such as perceived injustices, failures, or frustrations External events such as losing something, being teased, or being humiliated
  • Anger may result in externalizing behaviors. These could include arguments over words and temper tantrums. Anger may also trigger internalizing behavior. Internalizing behavior can be characterized by anger, sulking, or increased support of an anger management symptoms of depression. People can display anger through aggression. Aggression is a biological function of anger. It s an evolutionary reaction that prepares people to fight off threats.

Unruly displays of anger could indicate that a more grave mental health or emotional issue exists. Patients who go through anger management therapy develop the skills to control their reactions to anger. It can assist them in determining the cause of their anger. The root of anger could be trauma, addiction, grief, or any other issue. However, a common inclination could be to seek temporary relief by yelling. It can mask the actual reason behind the anger. If this happens to you, anger management counseling could be beneficial.

Types of Anger management therapy.

Here are a few of the several methods for anger management therapy:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): it is frequently the treatment of choice for anger management counselling. You may learn and practice coping mechanisms, as well as think, feel, and act differently in response to anger, which can make you feel calmer and more in control, according to her.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): DBT is a type of CBT that can help people who experience frequent or intense anger regain emotional control by fostering their capacity for emotional regulation and distress toleration, as well as their capacity for mindfulness and effective interpersonal communication.

Family Therapy: it is an effective treatment option when anger is frequently directed at family members. You can collaborate on problem-solving and better communication as a result.

Psychodynamic Therapy: In order to recognize and change destructive behaviors, psychodynamic therapy can help you understand the psychological causes of your anger and how you react to it.

What Are The Techniques Used In Anger Management Counselling Online?

Understanding your anger s causes and reactions, developing coping mechanisms, and altering negative beliefs and attitudes towards anger are all examples of anger management therapy practices. Below, Engle describes a few of these strategies.

  1. Finding Triggers and Reactions- A deeper awareness of the causes of anger expression, its current and historical causes, your reactions to it, and its repercussions on you and your relationships can all be gained through counselling for anger-management. You can discover, for instance, that yelling at your spouse is a result of hearing your parents yell or the conviction that yelling will guarantee your success.
  2. Learning Techniques to Calm Anger- You can learn techniques in counselling for anger- management to control your anger through avoidance or distraction during an anger management therapy session. During online anger management counselling, your psychologist can assist you in figuring out how to deal with your anger. Role-playing provides opportunity to practice techniques that help improve control, such as assertiveness and direct communication. Additionally, anger- management counselling can help you learn relaxation skills and coping mechanisms like slow, deep breathing, leaving the area and coming back when you ve calmed down, or utilizing a calming image to lessen the intensity of anger.
  3. Adapting One s Mentality and Attitude- Restructuring your thinking and altering your attitudes in relation to anger are also possible during therapy, especially if your therapist is using a CBT method. Your anger management therapist during counselling for anger-management will work with you to evaluate your attitudes and methods of thinking and to spot any thought patterns that can feed anger, such as brooding, catastrophizing, judging, fortune-telling, or magnifying.

Additionally, your online anger management therapist will assist you in practicing altering your response patterns. They can help you mend and accept broken relationships, offer strategies to let go of hurt and disappointment, and encourage forgiveness and compassion.

What Anger Management Therapy Can Help With

Although the term "anger management" is actually a type of treatment that is designed to help you control your anger. However, anger isn t necessarily a disease that can be recognized or defined, such as anxiety or depression, for instance. Excessive, uncontrollable rage can be destructive, causing significant stress and impairment, and jeopardizing people s safety.

Anger management therapy is a great option for anyone who is irritable or prone to angry outbursts. Therapy for managing anger can help to improve your:

Mental health: Stress may cause you to lose focus, cloud your judgment, and drain your energy. It may also precipitate other mental health issues such as depression and drug addiction.

Physical health: Anger is manifested physically in the body, causing an adrenaline surge and a rapid increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure, and an increase in tension in muscles. This can have a negative impact on your health over time and lead to physical health problems.

Career: Anger may make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work or schoolwork and can affect your performance. It could also affect relationships with your colleagues. While constructive disagreements, creative critique, and constructive discussions can be beneficial, yelling or engaging in anger-fueled outbursts can cause a rift with your fellow peers and result in negative outcomes.

Relationships: Anger negatively impacts your relationships with your loved ones. It makes it hard for them to feel at ease with you, and can erode their trust and respect, especially toward children.

Is Anger Management Counselling or Therapy Effective?

CBT is a method that is frequently used in anger management counselling and is quite successful. CBT is an empirically validated treatment that adopts a skills-based approach to managing anger. It places a strong emphasis on mental awareness, behavioral patterns, and skill development with regard to physical and emotional responses to anger.

What are the benefits of anger management counselling?

The following are some advantages of anger management counselling online:

  • Knowing what circumstances make you angry can help you avoid them or control how you respond to them.
  • Identify and alter the negative thought processes that lead to your anger with the use of anger management.
  • Gain coping skills: Anger management counselling can assist you in controlling your emotions, your behavior, and the development of coping mechanisms to help you deal with events that make you angry.
  • Learn how to relax: Your anger-management psychologist may teach you how to relax, which can help you control your emotions and unwind your body and mind.
  • Solve issues: If particular events consistently make you angry, your therapist might advise you to explore for alternatives or solutions.
  • Improved communication: Anger management therapy can teach you how to communicate your anger in a constructive, forceful, or courteous way without becoming violent.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anger is an emotion. It is neither right nor wrong. However, it is the response of the anger which needs to be managed. Anger management therapy focuses on the triggers, and managing the harmful anger responses using Mindfulness based CBT techniques.

The length of Anger management classes are usually depends upon person to person, but on an average it can take upto 5 sessions to get rid of anger.

Counselling session at HopeQure is very affordable. Counselling session’s plan depends upon the duration of sessions. Please checkout our affordable pricing.

Usually, counseling is about understanding and working upon behavioural and emotional issues. Therapy can be more long-term and it includes application of psychodynamic therapy stratagies.

The arousal cycle of anger has five phases: trigger, escalation, crisis, recovery and depression.

Yes, with consistent counselling and guidance people can get rid of anger issues.

No, Anger is not a mental illness. It is an emotion or a feeling which facilitates individuals to communicate about things that arent right for them or cause frustration. The intensity and the expression of anger vary person to person. When it escalates to a point where it is beyond control and causes harm to self or others is when it needs professional help.

Yes, It is seen that many people benefited from anger issues with regular counselling.

Before you seek professional help, there are few simple tips you can use to manage your anger issues for free all by yourself: 1. Identify your triggers 2. Take a moment 3. Be aware of the the tension building in your body 4. Pause Before you act 5. Breathe 6. Reflect

Hindi and English are the main languages in which online therapy is provided in HopeQure. However the Online Therapy is also available in Indian regional languages such as Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Tamil, Telugu, and Sinhala language.

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