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Improving Relationship Counselling

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Beneficial For:

  • Discover more about your relationship
  • Building more stability in relationship
  • Improving relationship dynamics
  • Enhancing interpersonal communication

We Will Help You With:

  • Dealing relationship queries
  • Assistance in dealing with concerns
  • Learn more about your relationships
  • Receive advice for various professional and personal relationships

Relationship is a close bond between two individuals. This bond is based on feelings of love, affection and attraction. Marriage is when this bond or union is legally and formally recognised. Key characteristics of deep and meaningful relationship are traits like: trust, honesty, mutual respect, intimacy, comaptability. However, abstract concepts such as feeling of love cannot be covered under one line or definition i.e. it is highly subjective.

Though people share significant bonds with their parents, siblings, other family members and even friends yet nothing can dismiss the need to have intimate-partner relationship (or romantic relationships). Love and belongingness is an innate need of all humans. Deeper engagement with partner/ significant other brings fulfilment and adds meaning to life.

Love relationships can be of two types:

·        Homosexual (or same sex relationship)

·        Hetrosexual (or opposite gender)

Different patterns of attachment:

Secure attachment- This type of attachment refers to comfortable and close bonds with strong sense of autonomy.

Avoidant attachment-  This attachment style means freedom or individuality is given more importance than relationship.

Anxious attachment- This pattern of attachment is characterised by clingy behaviour and fear of being left out (fearful).


Not all days in a relationship are sunny, there are periods of storm and rain (disputes, fights or disagreements). Common causes of relationship issues:

·        Infedility (cheating)

·        Incompatibility

·        Jealousy

·        Abuse or domestic violence

·        Closed or negligible communication

·        Difference in sex-drive

·        Financial issues

·        Different lifestyle

Even if you are not facing any of the above issue you can still work upon your relationship in order to make it more healthy and strong.


Maintaining happy married life  

Though there is no mantra or formula for a successful relationship one thing that holds utmost importance is ‘Enjoying similarities and respecting differences’. You may or may not like everything that your partner does but dating your clone wouldn’t be fun either.

Healthy and open communication is the key to resolve anything under the sun. Thus, it is important to establish a proper communication channel and assure that rapport wherein your partner is comfortable in sharing anything with you.

Express your worries, needs, concerns or anything that is bothering you openly with your partner. Also, make sure when your partner expresses him/herself you listen carefully and without any judgement.

Giving your partner their private space and time is crucial. Being together doesn’t require sticking together literally all the time. One shall not lose their identity in a relationship nor make their partner go through the same.

Long-term (stable) relationships are usually the result of patience and resilience. Ups and lows are part of life but supporting each other through these times of uncertainity determine the stability of a relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can reach out to a mental health professional who has got expertise in dealing with relationship problems. A therapist helps people to learn better ways of expressing their emotions and to communicate in the right manner in a relationship. The relationships are not limited to couples, they also deal with families.

Yes, therapy helps a lot in dealing with relationship issues. Therapy gives an opportunity for people to reflect on themselves and rebuild their skills of handling relationships in a healthier way which leads to strengthening the relationship. The change will also reflect in other relationships.

During counselling, the therapist will pose particular questions to help the client communicate more effectively and honestly, gain a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings, and come up with fresh approaches to handling conflict so that one can build healthy relationship.

Yes, counselling is beneficial in resolving relationship problems. Through self-reflection and the rebuilding of relationship-handling skills, therapy offers people the chance to improve their interpersonal relationships.

You can get in connect with a mental health specialist who specializes in handling relationship issues. A therapist assists clients in developing more effective emotional expression and relationship communication skills.

There are different therapy approaches for relationship problems like, CBT, Emotion focused couples therapy (EFCT), Imago relationship therapy, etc.

You can speak with a mental health specialist who specializes in solving relationship issues if you need assistance. A therapist aids clients in discovering more effective means of expressing their feelings and in interacting with others in a healthy way.

Through relationship counselling you can learn better ways of communicating your needs, issues, expectations in your relationship which greatly improve your relationship.

Relationship counselling is crucial because it helps to relieve relationship stress. A therapist helps people to look out for dysfunctional patterns of thoughts and emotions that lead to problems.

You should consult with a mental health professional who specializes in resolving relationship problems. A therapist helps their patients find constructive ways to communicate their emotions and engage with others.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can you improve your relationship?

You can reach out to a mental health professional who has got expertise in dealing with relationship problems. A therapist helps people to learn better ways of expressing their emotions and to communicate in the right manner in a relationship. The relationships are not limited to couples, they also deal with families.

Does counselling improve other relationships?

Yes, therapy helps a lot in dealing with relationship issues. Therapy gives an opportunity for people to reflect on themselves and rebuild their skills of handling relationships in a healthier way which leads to strengthening the relationship. The change will also reflect in other relationships.

How do you build relationships with counselling?

During counselling, the therapist will pose particular questions to help the client communicate more effectively and honestly, gain a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings, and come up with fresh approaches to handling conflict so that one can build healthy relationship.

Does counselling actually help relationships?

Yes, counselling is beneficial in resolving relationship problems. Through self-reflection and the rebuilding of relationship-handling skills, therapy offers people the chance to improve their interpersonal relationships.

How do you improve a dying relationship?

You can get in connect with a mental health specialist who specializes in handling relationship issues. A therapist assists clients in developing more effective emotional expression and relationship communication skills.

What is the best therapy for relationship problems?

There are different therapy approaches for relationship problems like, CBT, Emotion focused couples therapy (EFCT), Imago relationship therapy, etc.

How do I fix my struggling relationship?

You can speak with a mental health specialist who specializes in solving relationship issues if you need assistance. A therapist aids clients in discovering more effective means of expressing thei r feelings and in interacting with others in a healthy way.

How to improve your relationship?

Through relationship counselling you can learn better ways of communicating your needs, issues, expectations in your relationship which greatly improve your relationship.

Why is relationship important in counselling?

Relationship counselling is crucial because it helps to relieve relationship stress. A therapist helps people to look out for dysfunctional patterns of thoughts and emotions that lead to problems.

How can I make my relationship better?

You should consult with a mental health professional who specializes in resolving relationship problems. A therapist helps their patients find constructive ways to communicate their emotions and engage with others.

What comes in " Improving Relationship Counselling " Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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